Git submodule URL not including username?

Solution 1:

If I understand correctly, you're using HTTP basic authentication over HTTPS to allow only particular developers to access the repository. In that case, you can commit a .gitmodules that looks like:

[submodule foo]
  path = sub/foo
  url =

... i.e. without a user name, and then tell each developer to put their username and password in their ~/.netrc file. (If you're using Windows, then there is some good advice on that here.) A simple .netrc file might look like:

  login myusername
  password areamandyingtotellsomeonehiscoolpassword

Update: An alternative, which doesn't involve using .netrc, would be the following:

Again, remove the user name from the URL in .gitmodules and commit and push that change. When someone clones the repository they would first run:

git submodule init

... which will set the config option submodule.sub/foo.url to the URL in .gitmodules. However, the init step won't clone the submodule into place until you do git submodule update, so you can do:

git config submodule.sub/foo.url https://myuser:[email protected]/git/foo.git

... and then:

git submodule update

To clone the submodules with the right user name. Note that then your username and password for HTTP authentication will be stored in your git config.

Solution 2:

Actually you can specify a "relative" path to a submodule in .gitconfig:

[submodule foo]  
path = sub/foo  
url = ./git/foo.git

This url will reference same host ( as the repository itself.

Solution 3:

This threaded helped me, but I would add that after you modify the content of the file .gitmodules you need to execute the following command so git will pick it up:

git submodule sync