How to pass a variable to a IN clause?

Solution 1:

Pass parameter value like this - 'AA,BB,CC'. Then, it is enough to use FIND_IN_SET function -

SELECT product_id, product_price
FROM product
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(product_type, param);

Solution 2:

create a user-defined function that will convert the comma separated value into table, and by join this two can get the desired result.

for more

Solution 3:

passing a string using a variable was a problem assume this solution


CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `spTestListValues`(_list varchar(200))
        SET @LIST=_list; -- assume this a paramter from the stored procedure
    SELECT NULL AS Id,  '' AS Description --insert null value to be used for list box population
    (SELECT id, Description
    FROM test_table
    WHERE FIND_IN_SET(id,@LIST) ORDER BY Description ASC) ;


Calling the procedure from other query window

call `spTestListValues`('4,5,3'); --no paramter currently for test


ID Description
1   TEST1 
4   TEST2
5   TEST3