Saving and loading a model in R

When working with caret, how can I save a model after training, and load it later (e.g. in a different session) for prediction?

A better solution nowadays is to use saveRDS to save and readRDS to read:

saveRDS(model, "model.rds")
my_model <- readRDS("model.rds")

This lets you to choose a new name for the object (you don't need to remember the name you used when you saved it)

The correct syntax would be to use:

save(model, file="model.Rdata")

Thereafter, it can be loaded using the load() command.

The following code assumes that your model's variable name is 'model':

save(model, "model.RData")

This will save your model as "model.RData" in the current working directory. You can find out what the working directory is by issuing the following:


To load it back in, ensure that your model is saved in your working directory and issue:
