Understanding conditional entropy intuitively $H[Y|X=x]$ vs $H[Y|X]$

Solution 1:

Consider two random variables $X$ and $Y$. If $X=1$ we know that $Y$ is also equal to one. So we do not have any uncertainty about $Y$ knowing that $X=1$. In this sense: $$ H(Y|X=1)=0 $$ Now the question is: How uncertain are we about $Y$ if we know the realization of $X$? First of all, $H(Y|X=1)=0$ only tells us that we do not have any uncertainty about $Y$ only when we know that $X=1$. But for another $X$, for instance if we know that $X=2$, we may not know exactly about $Y$, which means that: $$ H(Y|X=2)>0. $$ Note that, we are looking for a value representing uncertainty of $Y$ if we know $X$. One option is to take the average of uncertainty that we have about $Y$ knowing each $X=x$, which gives us the notion of conditional entropy.

The notion represents the average uncertainty that we have of $Y$ knowing $X$. A good property of conditional entropy is that if we know $H(Y|X)=0$, then $Y=f(X)$ for a function $f$.

To see another interest behind the conditional entropy, suppose that $Y$ is an estimation of $X$ and we are interested in probability of error $P_e$. If for $Y=y$, we can estimate $X$ without error then $H(Y|Y=y)=0$. Interestingly, we can use Fano's inequality to find a lower bound on probability of error: $$ H(X|Y)\leq P_e\log(\|\mathcal X\|)+1. $$ And here the conditional entropy gives us an inner bound on the probability of error.

Solution 2:

enter image description here

It's intuitive to interpret $H(Y|X)$ by the chain rule:

Assume that the combined system determined by two random variables X and Y has joint entropy $H(X,Y)$, that is, we need $H(X,Y)$ bits of information on average to describe its exact state. Now if we first learn the value of $X$, we have gained $H(X)$ bits of information. Once $X$ is known, we only need $H(X,Y)-H(X)$ bits to describe the state of the whole system.

And the difference can be also found in Wikipedia:

If $H(Y|X=x)$ is the entropy of the discrete random variable $Y$ conditioned on the discrete random variable $X$ taking a certain value $x$, then $H(Y|X)$ is the result of averaging $H(Y|X=x)$ over all possible values $x$ that $X$ may take.