How to Restore/Reset Unity after Messing up with Unity Tweak tool?? [Ubuntu 16.04 LTS]

So I had my perfect desktop and everything was running smooth, and then I decided to press one button on the Unity-Tweak-Tool Software and Booom, my unity-panel is gone, I can't access unity-dash and the themes don't apply correctly.

enter image description here

The button that messed up everything [Restore Defaults]:


My Desktop now (no Unity-Panel, Can't access Unity Dash, theme decorations to windows borders doesn't work):

I am running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I've just got the exact same problem and solved it by opening a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T and typing these commands:

unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity
dconf reset -f /org/compiz/
setsid unity

This will make unity-tweak-tool reset every setting to the default value, then reset the compiz configuration, and finally restart unity.

Sounds like maybe CCSM disabled unity-plugin. Here how to enable it:

In terminal:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Look for the plugin unity. Enable it.