How to create password protected archive in Caja file-manager?

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Previously in 16.04 LTS I used Nautilus for such action.

How can I create password protected archive using Caja file-manager here?

To create password protected archive in Caja file-manager one should:

  1. Open Caja file manager
  2. Make right click on the folder to arhive

    selecting Compress action in Caja

  3. New window named Compress will open

    Compress window

  4. Click on Other Options and select password capable archive type in the right part of Filename (such as default .zip, .7z, .cbz, .ear, .exe, .war) then enter password in Password field and click Create

    specifying the password

  5. The password protected archive is created.

Note: if Caja and its archiving functionality are not installed -
one can install them with sudo apt install caja engrampa. Here Engrampa is archive manager for MATE desktop (an analog for file-roller in GNOME).