difference between implicit and explicit solutions?

What is difference between implicit and explicit solution of an initial value problem? Please explain with example both solutions(implicit and explicit)of same initial value problem? Or without example but in some way that is understandable.


As requested:

Let's use the example initial-value problem

$$y^\prime y=-x,\qquad y(0)=r, \qquad r\text{ constant}$$

One can derive both an implicit and explicit solution for this DE. The implicit solution to this DE is


This solution implicitly defines $y(x)$; all we have here is an equation involving $y(x)$. On the other hand, the explicit solution looks like


and in this case, $y(x)$ is explicitly defined: $y(x)$ is expressed here as an explicit function with $x$ as the only independent variable.

We aren't always this lucky when we solve differential equations that show up in practice. It often happens that we can only be content with an implicit solution (or a parametric solution, which is a somewhat better state of affairs than having just an implicit solution). One famous example is the differential equation that pops up in the brachistochrone problem:


Explicit solution is a solution where the dependent variable can be separated. For example, $x+2y=0$ is explicit because if y is dependent, I can rewrite it as $y=-\frac{x}{2}$ and my y has been separated.

Implicit is when the dependent variable cannot be separated like $\sin(x+e^y)=3y$.