NFS Mount fails on startup
Solution 1:
Here's what I did as a work around in case anyone else runs into this problem and comes looking for the solution here:
Created a script ( in /etc/init.d/:
mount -r NFSSERVER-priv:/vol/vol1_isp/eshowcase/sites /var/www
mount NFSSERVER-priv:/vol/vol1_isp/vusers /var/users
Make the system aware of the new script:
update-rc.d defaults
The option “defaults” puts a link to start in run levels 2, 3, 4 and 5. (and puts a link to stop into 0, 1 and 6.)
Chmod the file to be executable
chmod +x
Now when you init 6 you should have your mount points. Also a good idea to make a "comment" in your fstab so people know where everything is actually being mounted from as that will be the first place they'll look.
Solution 2:
Not sure if this is applicable to you, but the problem I was having was that the directory I was trying to mount at was not available at boot. I instead tried mounting to /mnt
and it worked.
Solution 3:
I was having the same issue after upgrading ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10. Here is what solved the problem for me:
Edit /etc/default/nfs-common
and make sure it says:
After restarting, my NFS mounts worked.