Trans Lucy for the Mac, allows you to watch video in a semi transparent window, superimposed on top of your other windows.

You can continue to work, as all clicks on the area covered by Trans Lucy pass directly to the window below - as if the window wasn't there.

Does anyone know of an equivalent for Linux?

Solution 1:

Just realize that this is not enabled by default in Unity. So, install compizconfig-settings-manager:

apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Run it by search for program ccsm. Then enable the "Opacity, Brightness, and Saturation" settings. Now you can control the opacity of any windows by Alt+Mouse_Scroll.

Solution 2:

Okay since it is hard for me to explain in words you can view a tutorial I made on how to do it

Give a Video Player Transparencey in Ubuntu 11.04 & 11.10

You can sort of do this in reverse to what I did where you add transparency to all windows that you will be using, otherwise there is no other way to see a movie through a window because the window will snap to the top.