Libreoffice: sum of column except one cell

Solution 1:

Ehm, I am risking to say something silly here, but why don't you just

Get total number of rows:


Convert to coordinate of the last cell using INDIRECT:


And use it in your SUM formula


I cannot guarantee that this is going to work, as I am currently logged into my Windows machine. But it works on MS Excel.

UPDATE: as correctly noted by tohuwawohu you will need to set formula syntax to Excel A1

Solution 2:

With a current version of Libreoffice Calc (tested with 4.2), you can address the complete Column A with A:A (if Formula syntaxin Tools -> Options -> Calc -> Formula is set to Excel A1).

But AFAIK there's no way to reference a difference (complement), something like "A:A without A1". It would be great if =SUM(OFFSET(A:A;1;0)) would work, but it doesn't.