Which pronoun refers to a group such as an orchestra — "they" or "it"?
The orchestra
on tour. The members of the orchestra
with it.
"You're missing the posts only available to members" — should there be a "the" in there?
Plurals, Possesives, and Proper Nouns ending with 'S' [duplicate]
Combined law of a continuous and a discrete random variables [duplicate]
In Indo-Pak one day International cricket match at Sharjah, India needs 14 runs to win just before the start of the final over.
What exactly is "halving" a projection in a von Neumann algebra?
Is $q(x) = \frac{1}{2} x^T H x - g^T x$ strongly convex?
Let $A$ and $B$ be two $3 \times 3$ invertible matrices such that $A$ is an idempotent matrix. Then find $\det B$.
Equivalent metrics using open balls
Birthday problem expectation
Solve the matrix equation $X ^ 3 = A$, with $X \in M_2(\mathbb{R})$ and given $A$.
Instance of a non-compact and non-euclidean complex manifolds
How to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix over a finite field?
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