How do I run keepass2?

enter image description here

10.04 - lucid

I've been running Keepass2 on Lucid using the standard mono in the repositories (mono -V = mono JIT compiler version 2.4.4)

Note - from the keepass website this is an "unsupported" configuration... however, I'm happy with that since I've never had any issues running this configuration and it means I dont need that one extra PPA that could make my system "unstable" :)

to install

Download the portable KeePass package (v2.19 at the time of writing this). This is a zip package which should open in Archive Manager. Extract the contents into its own folder - for example ~/Downloads/keepass

Install the mono windows forms:

sudo apt-get install libmono-winforms2.0-cil mono-devel

Finally, lets create a keyboard shortcut Alt+K

Run System - Preferences - Keyboard Shortcuts

Add a new shortcuts with the command:

bash -c "cd ~/Downloads/keepass; mono KeePass.exe"

Bind that to Alt+K

To install on 11.04 and above

It is available in the repositories, you can install it. It is the keepass2 package.

keepass2 Install keepass2

For Ubuntu 12.04 and above

The latest KeePass version is available through this PPA (as of today 2.30) :

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jtaylor/keepass
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install keepass2

keepass screenshot