"Failed to mount Windows share" error in Samba

What you want to do is add a "force user" line to that share definition so that the remote user appears to be you

  comment =   
  path = /media/some-name  
  read only = No  
  force user = your-user-name  
  guest ok = yes 

Try this.

I ended up using ntfs-config. The automount feature on it solved my problem.

I tried to set "name resolve order = bcast host" and even scratching my head trying to find solutions from the net.

My problem was simply this:

I have samba running on my Ubuntu server, and my laptop which also runs Ubuntu was unable to browse the shared folders. I had the folder permissions set to 700 which allows only user to be able to have read write and executable permissions.

But the problem only my Ubuntu was unable to browse those folders. My windows, Ipad and android able to browse and execute files.

After adding "force user = myusername", everything works like a charm.