Exporting classes containing `std::` objects (vector, map etc.) from a DLL

When you touch a member in your class from the client, you need to provide a DLL-interface. A DLL-interface means, that the compiler creates the function in the DLL itself and makes it importable.

Because the compiler doesn't know which methods are used by the clients of a DLL_EXPORTED class it must enforce that all methods are dll-exported. It must enforce that all members which can be accessed by clients must dll-export their functions too. This happens when the compiler is warning you of methods not exported and the linker of the client sending errors.

Not every member must be marked with with dll-export, e.g. private members not touchable by clients. Here you can ignore/disable the warnings (beware of compiler generated dtor/ctors).

Otherwise the members must export their methods. Forward declaring them with DLL_EXPORT does not export the methods of these classes. You have to mark the according classes in their compilation-unit as DLL_EXPORT.

What it boils down to ... (for not dll-exportable members)

  1. If you have members which aren't/can't be used by clients, switch off the warning.

  2. If you have members which must be used by clients, create a dll-export wrapper or create indirection methods.

  3. To cut down the count of externally visible members, use approaches such as the PIMPL idiom.

template class DLL_EXPORT std::allocator<tCharGlyphProviderRef>;

This does create an instantiation of the template specialization in the current compilation unit. So this creates the methods of std::allocator in the dll and exports the corresponding methods. This does not work for concrete classes as this is only an instantiation of template classes.

That warning is telling you that users of your DLL will not have access to your container member variables across the DLL boundary. Explicitly exporting them makes them available, but is it a good idea?

In general, I'd avoid exporting std containers from your DLL. If you can absolutely guarantee your DLL will be used with the same runtime and compiler version you'd be safe. You must ensure memory allocated in your DLL is deallocated using the same memory manager. To do otherwise will, at best, assert at runtime.

So, don't expose containers directly across DLL boundaries. If you need to expose container elements, do so via accessor methods. In the case you provided, separate the interface from the implementation and expose the inteface at the DLL level. Your use of std containers is an implementation detail that the client of your DLL shouldn't need to access.

Alternatively, do what Neil suggest and create a static library instead of a DLL. You lose the ability to load the library at runtime, and consumers of your library must relink anytime you change your library. If these are compromises you can live with, a static library would at least get you past this problem. I'll still argue you're exposing implementation details unnecessarily but it might make sense for your particular library.

There are other issues.

Some STL containers are "safe" to export (such as vector), and some aren't (e.g. map).

Map for instance is unsafe because it (in the MS STL distribution anyway) contains a static member called _Nil, the value of which is compared in iteration to test for the end. Every module compiled with STL has a different value for _Nil, and so a map created in one module will not be iterable from another module (it never detects the end and blows up).

This would apply even if you statically link to a lib, since you can never guarantee what the value of _Nil will be (it's uninitialised).

I believe STLPort doesn't do this.

The best way I found to handle this scenario is:

create your library, naming it with the compiler and stl versions included in the library name, exactly like boost libraries do.


- FontManager-msvc10-mt.dll for dll version, specific for MSVC10 compiler, with the default stl.

- FontManager-msvc10_stlport-mt.dll for dll version, specific for MSVC10 compiler, with the stl port.

- FontManager-msvc9-mt.dll for dll version, specific for MSVC 2008 compiler, with the default stl

- libFontManager-msvc10-mt.lib for static lib version, specific for MSVC10 compiler, with the default stl.

following this pattern, you will avoid problems related with different stl implementations. remember, the stl implementation in vc2008 differs from the stl implementation in the vc2010.

See your example using boost::config library:

#include <boost/config.hpp>

#  pragma warning( push )
#  pragma warning( disable: 4251 )

class DLL_EXPORT FontManager
   std::map<int, std::string> int2string_map;

#  pragma warning( pop )

One alternative that few people seem to consider is not to use a DLL at all but to link statically against a static .LIB library. If you do that, all the issues of exporting/importing go away (though you will still have name-mangling issues if you use different compilers). You do of course lose the features of the DLL architecture, such as run-time loading of functions, but this can be a small price to pay in many cases.