Good PowerShell guide, getting started through more advanced usage [closed]

Does anyone have a really good tutorial or getting started guide for Microsoft's PowerShell? I'm a long time Linux/Unix user, and very familiar with scripting languages, command-line usage with bash, ksh and zsh. I'm an intermediate Ruby programmer, and have used all these tools for command-line file management and automation tasks.

I would love a "PowerShell for Bash Experts" guide if such a thing exists, or is on that level of detail.

  • Getting Started: Windows PowerShell Getting Started Guide

  • Programming with Powershell: Windows PowerShell Programmer's Guide

  • Advanced PowerShell: A Guide To PowerShell's Advanced Functions

I've found this guide to be extremely helpful. Mastering Powershell -

It's a free E-Book by a Powershell MVP that is well written.


I got started using the tutorial on powershellpro.

My only complaints are:

  • The navigation is hard to use (list of links on the right hand side)
  • There are a few errors and typos throughout. Although if you're an astute reader, you'll notice right away.

The teaching techniques I found useful were when they show how to do a task in both PowerShell and through regular Windows GUI (like MMC) and when they describe real-world uses for some of the scripts or commands.

I found this is a very good starter guide. The eBook is free for download.