Solution 1:

It is concurrent, in the sense that many outstanding asychronous operations may be in progress at any time. It may or may not be multithreaded.

By default, await will schedule the continuation back to the "current execution context". The "current execution context" is defined as SynchronizationContext.Current if it is non-null, or TaskScheduler.Current if there's no SynchronizationContext.

You can override this default behavior by calling ConfigureAwait and passing false for the continueOnCapturedContext parameter. In that case, the continuation will not be scheduled back to that execution context. This usually means it will be run on a threadpool thread.

Unless you're writing library code, the default behavior is exactly what's desired. WinForms, WPF, and Silverlight (i.e., all the UI frameworks) supply a SynchronizationContext, so the continuation executes on the UI thread (and can safely access UI objects). ASP.NET also supplies a SynchronizationContext that ensures the continuation executes in the correct request context.

Other threads (including threadpool threads, Thread, and BackgroundWorker) do not supply a SynchronizationContext. So Console apps and Win32 services by default do not have a SynchronizationContext at all. In this situation, continuations execute on threadpool threads. This is why Console app demos using await/async include a call to Console.ReadLine/ReadKey or do a blocking Wait on a Task.

If you find yourself needing a SynchronizationContext, you can use AsyncContext from my Nito.AsyncEx library; it basically just provides an async-compatible "main loop" with a SynchronizationContext. I find it useful for Console apps and unit tests (VS2012 now has built-in support for async Task unit tests).

For more information about SynchronizationContext, see my Feb MSDN article.

At no time is DoEvents or an equivalent called; rather, control flow returns all the way out, and the continuation (the rest of the function) is scheduled to be run later. This is a much cleaner solution because it doesn't cause reentrancy issues like you would have if DoEvents was used.

Solution 2:

The whole idea behind async/await is that it performs continuation passing nicely, and doesn't allocate a new thread for the operation. The continuation may occur on a new thread, it may continue on the same thread.