Effects of recursing

With Ingress Prime, Niantic offers the ability to "Recurse" for level 16 players. This apparently involves resetting back to level 1, while keeping some overall benefits (inventory items, recharge distance, mission progression, level-gated services).

Are there any special abilities that recursed players would qualify for?

As of 6 November 2018, Upon Recursion, you experience the following benefits:

  • Simulacrum icon indicating your recursion next to agent name on profile


  • Ability to change your Faction
  • Retainment of the following:
    • current codename, Achievements, Mission Badges, Inventory items
    • access to level-gated services: Operation Portal Recon, portal submission, mission creation)
    • Level 16 recharge range
  • Separated AP count (after recursion; lifetime)
  • Simulacrum medal


  • Simulacrum symbol and achievement times around repeated Onyx Badge achievements


  • Onyx anniversary medal when Year 6 arrives

Source: Ingress Help Center

Images: Reddit: Post Recursion Stats