net.pipe vs. net.tcp vs. http Bindings

I'm new to WCF and would like to know the differences/advantages/limitations/etc of each of the following bindings:


Supporting scenarios on when to use each binding and other examples would be appreciated.

While not great for providing specific usage examples, here is a link from MSDN which lists all the features for the bindings.

Here is a decent flow chart that can help choosing between them as well.



Here is a good overall article I've used in the past. (or here in the wayback machine if the link no longer works for you).

net.pipe, fast and secure because your web service is not accessible from the network (typically, you will use net.pipe to interact with a windows service easily).

http, you will use it for interoperability reason, if your web service is not over HTTP, silverlight or flash cannot use it (because the browser filter non-http packets, as a firewall does).

net.tcp, is a bit faster because your soap message is not wrapped inside a HTTP request, but you cannot invoke your webservice with a RIA technology, and some firewall will drop your message.