filter an array in C#

i have an array of objects (Car[] for example) and there is an IsAvailable Property on the object

i want to use the full array (where IsAvailable is true for some items and false for some others) as the input and return a new array which includes only the items that have IsAvailable = true.

If you're using C# 3.0 or better...

using System.Linq;

public Car[] Filter(Car[] input)
    return input.Where(c => c.IsAvailable).ToArray();

And if you don't have access to LINQ (you're using an older version of .NET)...

public Car[] Filter(Car[] input)
    List<Car> availableCars = new List<Car>();

    foreach(Car c in input)

    return availableCars.ToArray();

Surprisingly, this question lacks the most natural and efficient answer: Array.FindAll

Car[] availableCars = Array.FindAll(cars, c => c.IsAvailable);

if it was a List<Car> there is also a List.FindAll.

Easiest way:

Car[] cars = //...
Car[] filtered = cars.Where(c => c.IsAvailable).ToArray();

Possibly More Efficient:

Car [] cars = //...
    List<Car> filteredList = new List<Car>();
    for(int i = 0; i < cars.Length; i++)
    Car[] filtered = filteredList.ToArray();