How do I set up Ruby on Rails?

I am interested in setting up a Ruby on Rails environment on my 10.10 laptop.

Is there anything special I need to keep in mind for installation (i.e. that could be new or unique to 10.10)?

Are there any suggested walkthroughs that I could follow along with?

Thanks in advance.

There are many ways of install ruby.

  1. RVM. This is the 'traditional' way that is used by many rubyists.

  2. rbenv.

  3. From packages.

  4. From source (answer coming).

From packages.

Install the following packages.

ruby1.9.1-full Install ruby1.9.1-full, ruby1.9.1-dev Install ruby1.9.1-dev, libpq-dev Install libpq-dev (only libpq-dev if you're doing ruby on rails development as well.)