Difference between Guise and Disguise [closed]
What is the difference between Guise and Disguise? They sound like antonym word for each other, but they aren't!
Solution 1:
Guise: Outward appearance or aspect
Thus guise can be used to describe both what one looks like and how one behaves - In the guise of soldiers the thieves walked boldly past the sentry.
Disguise: To modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognition.
In other words to disguise is to hide one's true guise and to take on a false one.
Often though, the word guise is used when describing the outward appearance of someone who is in disguise- as in my example above.
Solution 2:
The King went about the town in the guise of a merchant = The King went about town disguised as a merchant
Guise is a noun meaning appearance, eapecially assumed appearance. It is related to wise meaning way, kind or type, as in lengthwise, edgewise.
Disguise is primarily a verb which can also be used as a noun.
To me, (I may be wrong), guise focuses on appearance generally, including behaviour; disguise focuses on clothing, false beard, make-up etc. and deception.