Trying to install Minecraft on Ubuntu 16.04

I am trying to install Minecraft on Ubuntu 16.04. These are what I'm using in the terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minecraft-installer-peeps/minecraft-installer
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install minecraft-installer

However, when I do the: sudo apt-get install minecraft-installer

I get this:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package minecraft-installer

Has anyone else successfully installed Minecraft on this version of Ubuntu, if so how? And why am I getting that error?

All I did was go to: and select "Show All Platforms". Next I clicked and downloaded the Minecraft.jar file. Thats it. Just be sure you have Java installed. You also may need to click the Minecraft.jar file properties and change the file to launch as an executable.

There may be other ways but this has worked for me.

Minecraft is now available as a snap in the store, so you can open Ubuntu Software, search for Minecraft and click 'Install'. Alternative you can install via the terminal with one line:-

snap install minecraft

The 'home' directory for the minecraft snap is ~/snap/minecraft/common/ so that's where you'll find the .minecraft folder in case you want to add mods.

If you have both Java and Minecraft.jar installed, try this. This assumes that Minecraft.jar is in your user's Downloads directory:

  • Open a Terminal window: Ctrl+Alt+T
  • Navigate to the directory where Minecraft.jar is by typing: cd ~/Downloads
  • Run Minecraft by typing: java -jar ./Minecraft.jar

I had the same issue which was fixed by changing the distribution name to "trusty" in the edit sources tab

system settings / Software & updates / Other Software tab


then edit and change the field distribution to "trusty" then you run again the following

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install minecraft-installer