'No medium found' after issuing dd on an old external hard drive

In my case I was trying to do:

  • Insert USB stick
  • Unmount automatically mounted partition
  • Try sudo dd if=/mnt/d/instalki/OS/bionicpup32-8.0-uefi.iso of=/dev/sdb

The error occured only when I unmounted USB stick clicking in file manager GUI. After unmounting by sudo umount /dev/sdb1 dd executed without complaint.

Most of the times the "No medium found" error which is same as "No media" label shown on some GUIs means that the hdd is damaged. I tried to "repair" such disks once, I followed every guide I found on the web, I used several OS but nothing could be done...

So, my advice is "throw it in the recycle bin" (not from the window) and spend your time with something else!