Does 2012 R2/TFS/SQL need limits set so it doesn't eat up disk space with logs?

Setup: Hyper-V 2012 R2 host, primary guest is TFS single server installation w/ SharePoint (includes SQL for TFS ops)

This question was posted on StackExchange SharePoint WRT the SharePoint aspect of the server, but posted here because of the OS and the other non-SharePoint applications that are also on the server:

Server 2012 R2, TFS, SQL (for TFS)

The problem is that the server VHD (originally 100G) filled up, which I'm guessing is a straightforward issue of logging from the list above plus SharePoint.

I was able to easily expand the Hyper-V VHD size to 120G, but I suspect the problem will return again. I'd like to fix the underlying cause(s).

Do each of the items listed above (OS & apps) have to have changes made to default settings to limit their disk usage? At the link above it was indicated SQL does, but I haven't yet located where to go in SQL to check out the suggestion.

The following posts had many helpful tips and links, but I wanted to ask this question here to consolidate/focus-on basic potential logging issues on servers that otherwise seem to be working fine.

Server 2012 R2 System Disk Filling

Freeing up disk space (WinDirstat suggested here as other posts - good/safe idea?)

Edit after solution below: The SQL .ldf was a serious space user and the solutions recommended in #2 below solved the issue. Wanted to post a link that provided the specific query commands that worked well to shrink the .ldf and a link for a tool to find where space is being consumed.

Dell Support page for general guidance to shrink an ldf file

WinDirStat which is very useful to find where space is being used.

Solution 1:

I don't work with IIS or SQL Server very often but I'd take a look at two things:

  1. IIS logging. There isn't any automated IIS log maintenance built in to Windows, so IIS logs may be consuming ever greater amounts of disk space.

  2. SQL Server transaction logs. If the SQL server databases aren't set to the Simple Recovery Model and if there are no database or transaction log maintenance tasks configured that are managing the transaction log sizes then the database transaction logs may be consuming ever greater amounts of disk space.