Unable to read repository at http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo

Can you connect to internet at all through Eclipse?

  • Open the internal webbrowser. In Eclipse: Window -> show view -> Other -> General: Internal web browser.
  • Look up any normal adress, is it working?

Can you connect to another update site? Try for example Eclipse Emma: http://update.eclemma.org/ Do you see anything there?

What are your proxy preferences? Go to Window -> preferences -> General: Network connections.

The active provider:

Specifies the settings profile to be used when opening connections. Choosing the Direct provider causes all the connections to be opened without the use of a proxy server. Selecting Manual causes settings defined in Eclipse to be used. On some platforms there is also a Native provider available, selecting this one causes settings that were discovered in the OS to be used.

If internet is working fine outside of Eclipse, try changing to Native. After that, try Direct.

I have encountered problems where an update site would not load, then I had to remove it and add it again. This forces Eclipse to reread the contents of the site even if it has a cached copy. So, if you still get no connection to the indigo update site, but everything else is working, try that. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Install/update: Available Software sites. Then remove and add the indigo site. Just remember to copy the adress so you can add it again.

As suggested in a comment below by @lostiniceland, this is a simpler way to achieve the above:

Goto Window -> Preferences -> Install Update -> Available Software Sites => select the entry and click the "Reload" button to the right. This is sometimes also helpful when you have a local updatesite for testing custom plugins

I had the same problem and resolved it by

  • Deleting the cache directory \eclipse\p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository\cache
  • Refreshing the repositories.
    • Preferences -> Install Update -> Available Software Sites => select the entry
    • Click the "Reload"

Check if you are able to connect to eclipse market place url (http://marketplace.eclipse.org/) from browser. If its working then the issue is because of proxy server using in your network. We have to update eclipse with proxy server details used in our network.

Go to :- Windows-> Preference -> General -> Network Connections.

enter image description here

And edit HTTP ,with proxy details.

enter image description here

Click OK


I was having this problem and it turned out to be our firewall. It has some very general functions for blocking ActiveX, Java, etc., and the Java functionality was blocking the jar downloads as Eclipse attempted them.

The firewall was returning an html page explaining that the content was blocked, which of course went unseen. Thank goodness for Wireshark :)

Another way to solve this kind of error is to start eclipse with this argument

-vmargs -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true

Working fine with Eclipse (x64) 4.3.1