rsync hangs on one big file

Solution 1:

rsync is known to have this kind of problem on huge files because of an inefficient algorithm for the internal hashes buffer.

You have to use the --block-size option with a big value. But current versions doesn't allow to use more than 128 kB. Some webpages tell to use --block-size=10485760 --protocol=29 but in my case it is refused by rsync.

  • use version 29 or older
  • or recompile after modification of the MAX_BLOCK_SIZE constant

Solution 2:

Take a look at the bug reports against rsync. Maybe file a new one. You can find those from

Whether here or in a bug report, you should provide more specifics. What version of rsync is on each end, what's your OS, and exactly what command are you using? Are the files and/or rsync transfer compressed? With what zlib version? and maybe might be relevant. Also see