chromium is not generating voice

Solution 1:

I couldn't get it to work myself. From the article:

we need to use --enable-speech-synthesis and the speech dispatcher apt-get install speech-dispatcher

Since that did not work I tried also installing libspeechd & espeak but still chromium(58.0.3029.110) seemed unable to pickup any speech engine.

Also just to cover my basis I have tried all of this with the flag mentioned above --enable-speech-dispatcher which gave me a "you are using an unsupported command-line flag" warning.

All of this on x64 and arm64 ubuntu 16.04.2.

Solution 2:

Install espeak with a package manager, to populate SpeechSynthesis.getVoices() array with voices from espeak for chromium browser speech dispatcher to utilize

$ sudo apt-get install espeak

Then launch chromium with --enable-speech-dispatcher flag set.