Removing dead thunderflies stuck inside an LCD monitor

I'll give a try :)

if your monitor external layer is plastic, (for big LCD screens I think its plastic and it's just for protection)

get one of those suction cups, stick it on the screen where there is a Thunderflies, then pull it softly to make a little space between the two layer so that thing will have some space to move

now, tap the screen or shake it and they will throw at the bottom of the screen.

hope it work for you. :)


Wow! Thunderflies... I wasn't really sure if they are related to Thunderbirds, but wow! I have never seen them let alone heard of them. I guess the best way to get rid of them is to do this, also you did not mention what kind of LCD screen you have.

The general idea on getting rid of them:

  1. Look for screws that are hidden under some plastic grommits around the edges at the back of the LCD. Lie the LCD face down on top of a soft material or clothing, try protect the lcd screen itself first (use bubble wrap)
  2. Unscrew the screws, and gently pry open the back not pry to hard as you could damage the clips that could be in place.
  3. Gently lift off the back cover. This bit can be tricky, Look around and see if the front of the LCD screen is clipped on to something in the back, if you do see it, gently, unclip it, then gently flip the LCD over making sure you hold the inside in it's place.
  4. Now you should be able to remove the front of the LCD, lift it off gently (provided you have checked for the clips and is unclipped in place).
  5. Wipe clean and remove the thunderflies.
  6. Reverse the instructions for putting the cover back on from 4 backwards to 1 in the above.