Turn off change file extension warning in Windows 7

Solution 1:

It's possible with an AutoHotkey script:

While, 1
 WinWait, Rename ahk_class #32770
 ControlClick, Button1

Install AutoHotkey, save the code above in a file with the .ahk extension and launch the script. It will wait for the Rename window to appear. When it does, it automatically "clicks" on the Yes button (identified here with "Button1").

If you don't want to install AutoHotkey, here is a compiled version of the same script. Run the executable and watch it do its magic :-) .

Note it does not really answer the question, as the question still appears. But it's automated so you'll not be bothered by it anymore.

Solution 2:

In response to a comment about the accepted answer, I also found the AHK script to be quite slow. This modification seems to make it faster:

While, 1
 WinWaitActive, Renommer ahk_class #32770
 send o

You'll notice I'm using windows in french. For english use:

While, 1
 WinWaitActive, Rename ahk_class #32770
 send y

For windows in portuguese (at least the pt-BR version), use:

While, 1
 WinWaitActive, Renomear ahk_class #32770
 send s

Solution 3:

It is very much possible, with the right tools, patience, and nice disassembler and some luck you can disable it.

However, it is not as simple as changing a registry key.

Here is an example of someone disabling the "delay" when you try to delete a file that is in use. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/NoDeleteDelay.aspx
I just tried to poke around and didn't find anything useful.

I think a better solution than RtvReco is for someone to create a menu option to the context menu that says like "Rename2" and pops up a messagebox prompting for the new filename and uses Windows API to rename it.

Solution 4:

You cannot disable the file extension warning message. It has this design to ensure the user's safety from modifying the files accidentally.

Source: Microsoft Community Answer