Managing conflict in schema.rb created by Git operation

Solution 1:

If your current database has the correct schema, you should:

  • Run pending migrations (if any)

    rake db:migrate
  • Overwrite your schema.rb from your current database schema

    rake db:schema:dump
  • And commit

Solution 2:

When I find myself with this conflict, I simply migrate the database. Whether there are pending migrations or not, the conflict will be corrected.

Solution 3:


Accept the Upstream version and run rake db:migrate as you'd normally do.

why is that the way to go

Don't worry about the migrations you've created (which are below Upstream version 20110930179257). ActiveRecord uses a table schema_migrations where it puts all of the migrations that have been run. If your migrations aren't on the list but in db/migrate directory, then ActiveRecord will run them.

Here's the table so you can visualise it better: schema_migrations table

It's tempting to think that it's actually this line: ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110930179257) that defines latest migration run, so no migrations with version below it are going to be run. This is fortunately not true. Rails will run any migrations that are in db/migrate folder and not yet in the schema_migrations table.

Solution 4:

According to this answer, a conflict is guaranteed. The user has to to manually merge, and set the version as the higher of the two.

Solution 5:

Here's what I do when merging master into my feature branch fails over conflicts in db/schema.rb:

$ git merge --abort
$ git checkout master
$ rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
$ git checkout -- db/schema.rb
$ git checkout my_feature_branch
$ rake db:migrate
$ git add db/schema.rb
$ git commit -m 'Updated schema'
$ git merge master