Can't shutdown xubuntu after updating to 16.04

I updated from Xubuntu 16.04 beta-2 to 16.04 today. And now I can't shutdown my laptop but I am able to restart. When I try it the GUI way it just logging out.
When I tried

sudo shutdown -h now

I got the following error:

Failed to start Transaction is destructive.
See system logs and 'systemctl status' for details.

Output of /var/log/messages:

tail /var/log/messages
tail: cannot open '/var/log/messages' for reading: No such file or directory

Output of systemctl status

● - Power-Off
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/; disabled; vendor preset:
   Active: inactive (dead)
     Docs: man:systemd.special(7)

The accepted answer sudo init 0 doesn't work for me in Xubuntu based in Ubuntu 16.04.

While waiting for a patch this is how I can shutdown my laptop:

Using poweroff

  • sudo poweroff -f

-f to force the computer to shutdown without contacting the init system.

Detecting the process that prevents the computer to shutdown

In my case there is always the tty process that blocks the poweroff process. So detecting it, killing the process and starting the systemctl target.

  • ps aux | grep tty

    root 983 0.0 0.0 15408 1128 ? Ss 11:49 0:00 /bin/systemd-tty-ask-password-agent --wall

  • Kill the process: sudo kill 983

  • Shutdown the computer: First sudo systemctl start and if it fails execute the command again: sudo systemctl start

Related questions

  • Debian won't shut down (Failed to start Transaction is destructive)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 won't power off: is disabled

I have same problem in my laptop dell Inspiron 5110. After tried this, my computer shutdown normaly

sudo init 0