4GB of installed Ram-- XP says 3.23 GB [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Windows XP and RAM 3.5GB+

I have a Dell desktop that had 2GB of Ram in it, but XP's control panel -> system setting said only 1.75 GB. (This is 32 bit XP.)

I then installed another 2 GB, and now XP says I'm at 3.23 GB. I'm sure my graphics card is using shared memory and that might explain some of it, but where can I check that setting to make sure?

It's not a setting you can change, really. Your BIOS, video card, and other hardware need to map their own memory onto the system's address space.

See this post for a simple explanation of what's happening.

You can run the System Information utility to verify that the computer sees the physical RAM; the metric you're interested in is "Total Physical Memory".

These are some questions that popped up after you typed the title of your question, all of which contain information you are asking about.

  • 4 GB of RAM installed but only 2.97 GB usable. What gives?
  • Why does Windows only show about 3.5 GB of my 4 GB of RAM?
  • Where did the other .8 GB of RAM go?
  • https://superuser.com/questions/17827/using-3-gb-ram-in-vista-windows732-bit
  • Why is usable RAM less than total RAM?
  • How to Check RAM Size without Looking at Motherboard