Windows folder search

I am on Windows-XP Professional. While using the windows search to find a keyword or phrase in file, is there any option to say that return results having that world only, do not return if that word is part of a other big word.

e.g. I want to search all files having keyword "link"

but I do not want the results to show me files which have the word "unlink" where "link" is a part of "unlink"

I could not find any options for even in the advanced search options. It did have one Case Sensitive , but no option to say something like "match whole word only" .

What are my other options, if not Windows native search?

Does google desktop search tool has this option to find whole word only?

Install Windows Search 4. See Advanced Query Syntax

"match whole word only" query

WindowsSearch.exe /url search-ms:query="WindowsS"

"match whole word only" query

Wildcard Prefix

WindowsSearch.exe /url search-ms:query="WindowsS"*

Wildcard Prefix query WDS 4

Type of content

WindowsSearch.exe /url search-ms:query="WindowsS"* kind:docs

enter image description here

Wildcard suffix

WindowsSearch.exe /url search-ms:query=*ation

Wildcard suffix WDS 4

Parenthesized query

WindowsSearch.exe /url search-ms:query=((fibonacci)OR(simplex))kind:docs

Parenthesized query WDS 4

Far manager 2, command line WDS 4.

Far manager 2 command line WDS 4

Extensions file types:

WindowsSearch.exe /url search-ms:query="unsigned short" ext:.h

Additional. After indexing 400k+ content files search query time ...

Need good query!

Size base of Windows.edb 1794Mb. Size folder Search 3135 Mb.

WindowsSearch.exe /url search-ms:query=((ext:.h)OR(ext:.cpp)OR(ext:.c)) "unsigned short"

Extensions file types

WindowsSearch.exe /url search-ms:query=folder:("N:\Exchange\"*) ((ext:.h)OR(ext:.cpp)OR(ext:.c)) "unsigned short"