Ubuntu 16.04 no menu bar or launcher - help!

Just upgraded to 16.04. Due the screen flicker I followed the guide posted by Zacharee 1! The screen doesn't flicker anymore. However although I can login there is no menu bar of launcher. I've tried various guides to restore it in previous Ubuntu's like rm -rf .compiz-1, rm -rf ~/.config and sudo apt-get install unity. Nothing works and I can't find something specific for 16.04. I'm on a Skylake system with Nvidia GTX 950.

Solution 1:

Had same issue after fooling around with unity-tweak-tool. The following terminal commands helped for me (tnx to ubuntuhandbook.org):

dconf reset -f /org/compiz/
setsid unity

Solution 2:

rm -rf ~/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig/*

is the best trick. Reboot after this.

Solution 3:

typing ccsm and selecting unity launcher did it.

From a tty, run the following commands:

export DISPLAY=:0

Then, you may need to press CTRL+ALT+f7 to get back to the x session.

Solution 4:

Short answer: If none of the standard posted solutions (using dconf, gconftool-2, ccsm, unity, etc.) work, try temporarily disabling the autostart apps. Here's one way to do that:

mv ~/.config/autostart ~/.config/autostartBAK 

Log out then log back in again. If the problem is resolved, it is a good bet one of the autostart programs was crashing. You can then figure out which one, then move everything but that one back to ~/.config/autostart.

Long answer: In my case, the 16.04 upgrade went fine, but out of the blue several weeks later this "no menu bar or launcher" problem appeared. None of the usual posted solutions worked. But logging in to a newly created user account did not exhibit the problem, so I knew the problem was strictly in my home directory. Checking ~/.xsession-errors, I noticed that one app was crashing on startup (my-weather-indicator). Removing file "my-weather-indicator-autostart.desktop" from ~/.config/autostart solved it.