Bluetooth device paired and connected (no sound)

I'm on Ubuntu gnome 16.04. Solution is to enable auto-detection, pair the headset again and select it in the list of output audio devices.

  1. Change #AutoEnable=false to AutoEnable=true in the /etc/bluetooth/main.conf (notice new line is un-commented)
  2. Unpair the headset
  3. Restart the bluetooth service sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
  4. Pair your headset again and connect it
  5. Go to sound settings. From the output device tab you should now see the headset listed along with other output device like internal speakers
  6. Choose it as the sound output device.

I'm with the same problem, after pair the headset, I'm using the pulseaudio -k command, then the device shows up in the Sound Settings and it works.

It's not a good solution, but it was what I got until now.