Algorithm for simplifying decimal to fractions

I tried writing an algorithm to simplify a decimal to a fraction and realized it wasn't too simple.

Write 0.333333... as 1/3 for example.

Or 0.1666667, which is 1/6.

Surprisingly I looked online and all the codes I found where either too long, or wouldn't work in some cases. What was even more annoying was that they didn't work for recurring decimals. I was wondering however whether there would be a mathematician/programmer here who understands all the involved processes in simplifying a decimal to a fraction. Anyone?

Solution 1:

The algorithm that the other people have given you gets the answer by calculating the Continued Fraction of the number. This gives a fractional sequence which is guaranteed to converge very, very rapidly. However it is not guaranteed to give you the smallest fraction that is within a distance epsilon of a real number. To find that you have to walk the Stern-Brocot tree.

To do that you subtract off the floor to get the number in the range [0, 1), then your lower estimate is 0, and your upper estimate is 1. Now do a binary search until you are close enough. At each iteration if your lower is a/b and your upper is c/d your middle is (a+c)/(b+d). Test your middle against x, and either make the middle the upper, the lower, or return your final answer.

Here is some very non-idiomatic (and hence, hopefully, readable even if you don't know the language) Python that implements this algorithm.

def float_to_fraction (x, error=0.000001):
    n = int(math.floor(x))
    x -= n
    if x < error:
        return (n, 1)
    elif 1 - error < x:
        return (n+1, 1)

    # The lower fraction is 0/1
    lower_n = 0
    lower_d = 1
    # The upper fraction is 1/1
    upper_n = 1
    upper_d = 1
    while True:
        # The middle fraction is (lower_n + upper_n) / (lower_d + upper_d)
        middle_n = lower_n + upper_n
        middle_d = lower_d + upper_d
        # If x + error < middle
        if middle_d * (x + error) < middle_n:
            # middle is our new upper
            upper_n = middle_n
            upper_d = middle_d
        # Else If middle < x - error
        elif middle_n < (x - error) * middle_d:
            # middle is our new lower
            lower_n = middle_n
            lower_d = middle_d
        # Else middle is our best fraction
            return (n * middle_d + middle_n, middle_d)

Solution 2:

(code improved Feb 2017 - scroll down to 'optimization'...)

(algorithm comparison table at the end of this answer)

I implemented btilly's answer in C# and...

  • added support for negative numbers
  • provide an accuracy parameter to specify the max. relative error, not the max. absolute error; 0.01 would find a fraction within 1% of the value.
  • provide an optimization
  • Double.NaN and Double.Infinity are not supported; you might want to handle those (example here).
public Fraction RealToFraction(double value, double accuracy)
    if (accuracy <= 0.0 || accuracy >= 1.0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("accuracy", "Must be > 0 and < 1.");

    int sign = Math.Sign(value);

    if (sign == -1)
        value = Math.Abs(value);

    // Accuracy is the maximum relative error; convert to absolute maxError
    double maxError = sign == 0 ? accuracy : value * accuracy;

    int n = (int) Math.Floor(value);
    value -= n;

    if (value < maxError)
        return new Fraction(sign * n, 1);

    if (1 - maxError < value)
        return new Fraction(sign * (n + 1), 1);

    // The lower fraction is 0/1
    int lower_n = 0;
    int lower_d = 1;

    // The upper fraction is 1/1
    int upper_n = 1;
    int upper_d = 1;

    while (true)
        // The middle fraction is (lower_n + upper_n) / (lower_d + upper_d)
        int middle_n = lower_n + upper_n;
        int middle_d = lower_d + upper_d;

        if (middle_d * (value + maxError) < middle_n)
            // real + error < middle : middle is our new upper
            upper_n = middle_n;
            upper_d = middle_d;
        else if (middle_n < (value - maxError) * middle_d)
            // middle < real - error : middle is our new lower
            lower_n = middle_n;
            lower_d = middle_d;
            // Middle is our best fraction
            return new Fraction((n * middle_d + middle_n) * sign, middle_d);

The Fraction type is just a simple struct. Of course, use your own preferred type... (I like this one by Rick Davin.)

public struct Fraction
    public Fraction(int n, int d)
        N = n;
        D = d;

    public int N { get; private set; }
    public int D { get; private set; }

Feb 2017 optimization

For certain values, like 0.01, 0.001, etc. the algorithm goes through hundreds or thousands of linear iterations. To fix this, I implemented a binary way of finding the final value -- thanks to btilly for this idea. Inside the if-statement substitute the following:

// real + error < middle : middle is our new upper
Seek(ref upper_n, ref upper_d, lower_n, lower_d, (un, ud) => (lower_d + ud) * (value + maxError) < (lower_n + un));


// middle < real - error : middle is our new lower
Seek(ref lower_n, ref lower_d, upper_n, upper_d, (ln, ld) => (ln + upper_n) < (value - maxError) * (ld + upper_d));

Here is the Seek method implementation:

/// <summary>
/// Binary seek for the value where f() becomes false.
/// </summary>
void Seek(ref int a, ref int b, int ainc, int binc, Func<int, int, bool> f)
    a += ainc;
    b += binc;

    if (f(a, b))
        int weight = 1;

            weight *= 2;
            a += ainc * weight;
            b += binc * weight;
        while (f(a, b));

            weight /= 2;

            int adec = ainc * weight;
            int bdec = binc * weight;

            if (!f(a - adec, b - bdec))
                a -= adec;
                b -= bdec;
        while (weight > 1);

Algorithm comparison table

You may want to copy the table to your text editor for full screen viewing.

Accuracy: 1.0E-3      | Stern-Brocot                             OPTIMIZED   | Eppstein                                 | Richards                                 
Input                 | Result           Error       Iterations  Iterations  | Result           Error       Iterations  | Result           Error       Iterations  
======================| =====================================================| =========================================| =========================================
   0                  |       0/1 (zero)   0         0           0           |       0/1 (zero)   0         0           |       0/1 (zero)   0         0           
   1                  |       1/1          0         0           0           |    1001/1000      1.0E-3     1           |       1/1          0         0           
   3                  |       3/1          0         0           0           |    1003/334       1.0E-3     1           |       3/1          0         0           
  -1                  |      -1/1          0         0           0           |   -1001/1000      1.0E-3     1           |      -1/1          0         0           
  -3                  |      -3/1          0         0           0           |   -1003/334       1.0E-3     1           |      -3/1          0         0           
   0.999999           |       1/1         1.0E-6     0           0           |    1000/1001     -1.0E-3     2           |       1/1         1.0E-6     0           
  -0.999999           |      -1/1         1.0E-6     0           0           |   -1000/1001     -1.0E-3     2           |      -1/1         1.0E-6     0           
   1.000001           |       1/1        -1.0E-6     0           0           |    1001/1000      1.0E-3     1           |       1/1        -1.0E-6     0           
  -1.000001           |      -1/1        -1.0E-6     0           0           |   -1001/1000      1.0E-3     1           |      -1/1        -1.0E-6     0           
   0.50 (1/2)         |       1/2          0         1           1           |     999/1999     -5.0E-4     2           |       1/2          0         1           
   0.33... (1/3)      |       1/3          0         2           2           |     999/2998     -3.3E-4     2           |       1/3          0         1           
   0.67... (2/3)      |       2/3          0         2           2           |     999/1498      3.3E-4     3           |       2/3          0         2           
   0.25 (1/4)         |       1/4          0         3           3           |     999/3997     -2.5E-4     2           |       1/4          0         1           
   0.11... (1/9)      |       1/9          0         8           4           |     999/8992     -1.1E-4     2           |       1/9          0         1           
   0.09... (1/11)     |       1/11         0         10          5           |     999/10990    -9.1E-5     2           |       1/11         0         1           
   0.62... (307/499)  |       8/13        2.5E-4     5           5           |     913/1484     -2.2E-6     8           |       8/13        2.5E-4     5           
   0.14... (33/229)   |      15/104       8.7E-4     20          9           |     974/6759     -4.5E-6     6           |      16/111       2.7E-4     3           
   0.05... (33/683)   |       7/145      -8.4E-4     24          10          |     980/20283     1.5E-6     7           |      10/207      -1.5E-4     4           
   0.18... (100/541)  |      17/92       -3.3E-4     11          10          |     939/5080     -2.0E-6     8           |      17/92       -3.3E-4     4           
   0.06... (33/541)   |       5/82       -3.7E-4     19          8           |     995/16312    -1.9E-6     6           |       5/82       -3.7E-4     4           
   0.1                |       1/10         0         9           5           |     999/9991     -1.0E-4     2           |       1/10         0         1           
   0.2                |       1/5          0         4           3           |     999/4996     -2.0E-4     2           |       1/5          0         1           
   0.3                |       3/10         0         5           5           |     998/3327     -1.0E-4     4           |       3/10         0         3           
   0.4                |       2/5          0         3           3           |     999/2497      2.0E-4     3           |       2/5          0         2           
   0.5                |       1/2          0         1           1           |     999/1999     -5.0E-4     2           |       1/2          0         1           
   0.6                |       3/5          0         3           3           |    1000/1667     -2.0E-4     4           |       3/5          0         3           
   0.7                |       7/10         0         5           5           |     996/1423     -1.0E-4     4           |       7/10         0         3           
   0.8                |       4/5          0         4           3           |     997/1246      2.0E-4     3           |       4/5          0         2           
   0.9                |       9/10         0         9           5           |     998/1109     -1.0E-4     4           |       9/10         0         3           
   0.01               |       1/100        0         99          8           |     999/99901    -1.0E-5     2           |       1/100        0         1           
   0.001              |       1/1000       0         999         11          |     999/999001   -1.0E-6     2           |       1/1000       0         1           
   0.0001             |       1/9991      9.0E-4     9990        15          |     999/9990001  -1.0E-7     2           |       1/10000      0         1           
   1E-05              |       1/99901     9.9E-4     99900       18          |    1000/99999999  1.0E-8     3           |       1/99999     1.0E-5     1           
   0.33333333333      |       1/3         1.0E-11    2           2           |    1000/3001     -3.3E-4     2           |       1/3         1.0E-11    1           
   0.3                |       3/10         0         5           5           |     998/3327     -1.0E-4     4           |       3/10         0         3           
   0.33               |      30/91       -1.0E-3     32          8           |     991/3003      1.0E-5     3           |      33/100        0         2           
   0.333              |     167/502      -9.9E-4     169         11          |    1000/3003      1.0E-6     3           |     333/1000       0         2           
   0.7777             |       7/9         1.0E-4     5           4           |     997/1282     -1.1E-5     4           |       7/9         1.0E-4     3           
   0.101              |      10/99        1.0E-4     18          10          |     919/9099      1.1E-6     5           |      10/99        1.0E-4     3           
   0.10001            |       1/10       -1.0E-4     9           5           |       1/10       -1.0E-4     4           |       1/10       -1.0E-4     2           
   0.100000001        |       1/10       -1.0E-8     9           5           |    1000/9999      1.0E-4     3           |       1/10       -1.0E-8     2           
   0.001001           |       1/999       1.0E-6     998         11          |       1/999       1.0E-6     3           |       1/999       1.0E-6     1           
   0.0010000001       |       1/1000     -1.0E-7     999         11          |    1000/999999    9.0E-7     3           |       1/1000     -1.0E-7     2           
   0.11               |      10/91       -1.0E-3     18          9           |    1000/9091     -1.0E-5     4           |      10/91       -1.0E-3     2           
   0.1111             |       1/9         1.0E-4     8           4           |    1000/9001     -1.1E-5     2           |       1/9         1.0E-4     1           
   0.111111111111     |       1/9         1.0E-12    8           4           |    1000/9001     -1.1E-4     2           |       1/9         1.0E-12    1           
   1                  |       1/1          0         0           0           |    1001/1000      1.0E-3     1           |       1/1          0         0           
  -1                  |      -1/1          0         0           0           |   -1001/1000      1.0E-3     1           |      -1/1          0         0           
  -0.5                |      -1/2          0         1           1           |    -999/1999     -5.0E-4     2           |      -1/2          0         1           
   3.14               |      22/7         9.1E-4     6           4           |     964/307       2.1E-5     3           |      22/7         9.1E-4     1           
   3.1416             |      22/7         4.0E-4     6           4           |     732/233       9.8E-6     3           |      22/7         4.0E-4     1           
   3.14... (pi)       |      22/7         4.0E-4     6           4           |     688/219      -1.3E-5     4           |      22/7         4.0E-4     1           
   0.14               |       7/50         0         13          7           |     995/7107      2.0E-5     3           |       7/50         0         2           
   0.1416             |      15/106      -6.4E-4     21          8           |     869/6137      9.2E-7     5           |      16/113      -5.0E-5     2           
   2.72... (e)        |      68/25        6.3E-4     7           7           |     878/323      -5.7E-6     8           |      87/32        1.7E-4     5           
   0.141592653589793  |      15/106      -5.9E-4     21          8           |     991/6999     -7.0E-6     4           |      15/106      -5.9E-4     2           
  -1.33333333333333   |      -4/3         2.5E-15    2           2           |   -1001/751      -3.3E-4     2           |      -4/3         2.5E-15    1           
  -1.3                |     -13/10         0         5           5           |    -992/763       1.0E-4     3           |     -13/10         0         2           
  -1.33               |     -97/73       -9.3E-4     26          8           |    -935/703       1.1E-5     3           |    -133/100        0         2           
  -1.333              |      -4/3         2.5E-4     2           2           |   -1001/751      -8.3E-5     2           |      -4/3         2.5E-4     1           
  -1.33333337         |      -4/3        -2.7E-8     2           2           |    -999/749       3.3E-4     3           |      -4/3        -2.7E-8     2           
  -1.7                |     -17/10         0         5           5           |    -991/583      -1.0E-4     4           |     -17/10         0         3           
  -1.37               |     -37/27        2.7E-4     7           7           |    -996/727       1.0E-5     7           |     -37/27        2.7E-4     5           
  -1.33337            |      -4/3        -2.7E-5     2           2           |    -999/749       3.1E-4     3           |      -4/3        -2.7E-5     2           
   0.047619           |       1/21        1.0E-6     20          6           |    1000/21001    -4.7E-5     2           |       1/21        1.0E-6     1           
  12.125              |      97/8          0         7           4           |     982/81       -1.3E-4     2           |      97/8          0         1           
   5.5                |      11/2          0         1           1           |     995/181      -5.0E-4     2           |      11/2          0         1           
   0.1233333333333    |       9/73       -3.7E-4     16          8           |     971/7873     -3.4E-6     4           |       9/73       -3.7E-4     2           
   0.7454545454545    |      38/51       -4.8E-4     15          8           |     981/1316     -1.9E-5     6           |      38/51       -4.8E-4     4           
   0.01024801004      |       2/195       8.2E-4     98          9           |     488/47619     2.0E-8     13          |       2/195       8.2E-4     3           
   0.99011            |      91/92       -9.9E-4     91          8           |     801/809       1.3E-6     5           |     100/101      -1.1E-5     2           
   0.9901134545       |      91/92       -9.9E-4     91          8           |     601/607       1.9E-6     5           |     100/101      -1.5E-5     2           
   0.19999999         |       1/5         5.0E-8     4           3           |    1000/5001     -2.0E-4     2           |       1/5         5.0E-8     1           
   0.20000001         |       1/5        -5.0E-8     4           3           |    1000/4999      2.0E-4     3           |       1/5        -5.0E-8     2           
   5.0183168565E-05   |       1/19908     9.5E-4     19907       16          |    1000/19927001 -5.0E-8     2           |       1/19927     5.2E-12    1           
   3.909E-07          |       1/2555644   1.0E-3     2555643     23          |       1/1         2.6E6 (!)  1           |       1/2558199   1.1E-8     1           
88900003.001          |88900003/1        -1.1E-11    0           0           |88900004/1         1.1E-8     1           |88900003/1        -1.1E-11    0           
   0.26... (5/19)     |       5/19         0         7           6           |     996/3785     -5.3E-5     4           |       5/19         0         3           
   0.61... (37/61)    |      17/28        9.7E-4     8           7           |     982/1619     -1.7E-5     8           |      17/28        9.7E-4     5           
                      |                                                      |                                          | 
Accuracy: 1.0E-4      | Stern-Brocot                             OPTIMIZED   | Eppstein                                 | Richards                                 
Input                 | Result           Error       Iterations  Iterations  | Result           Error       Iterations  | Result           Error       Iterations  
======================| =====================================================| =========================================| =========================================
   0.62... (307/499)  |     227/369      -8.8E-5     33          11          |    9816/15955    -2.0E-7     8           |     299/486      -6.7E-6     6           
   0.05... (33/683)   |      23/476       6.4E-5     27          12          |    9989/206742    1.5E-7     7           |      23/476       6.4E-5     5           
   0.06... (33/541)   |      28/459       6.6E-5     24          12          |    9971/163464   -1.9E-7     6           |      33/541        0         5           
   1E-05              |       1/99991     9.0E-5     99990       18          |   10000/999999999 1.0E-9     3           |       1/99999     1.0E-5     1           
   0.333              |     303/910      -9.9E-5     305         12          |    9991/30003     1.0E-7     3           |     333/1000       0         2           
   0.7777             |     556/715      -1.0E-4     84          12          |    7777/10000      0         8           |    1109/1426     -1.8E-7     4           
   3.14... (pi)       |     289/92       -9.2E-5     19          8           |    9918/3157     -8.1E-7     4           |     333/106      -2.6E-5     2           
   2.72... (e)        |     193/71        1.0E-5     10          9           |    9620/3539      6.3E-8     11          |     193/71        1.0E-5     7           
   0.7454545454545    |      41/55        6.1E-14    16          8           |    9960/13361    -1.8E-6     6           |      41/55        6.1E-14    5           
   0.01024801004      |       7/683       8.7E-5     101         12          |    9253/902907   -1.3E-10    16          |       7/683       8.7E-5     5           
   0.99011            |     100/101      -1.1E-5     100         8           |     901/910      -1.1E-7     6           |     100/101      -1.1E-5     2           
   0.9901134545       |     100/101      -1.5E-5     100         8           |    8813/8901      1.6E-8     7           |     100/101      -1.5E-5     2           
   0.26... (5/19)     |       5/19         0         7           6           |    9996/37985    -5.3E-6     4           |       5/19         0         3           
   0.61... (37/61)    |      37/61         0         10          8           |    9973/16442    -1.6E-6     8           |      37/61         0         7           

Performance comparison

I performed detailed speed tests and plotted the results. Not looking at quality and only speed:

  • The Stern-Brocot optimization slows it down by at most a factor 2, but the original Stern-Brocot can be hundreds or thousands times slower when it hits the unlucky values mentioned. That's still only a couple of microseconds though per call.
  • Richards is consistently fast.
  • Eppstein is around 3 times slower than the others.

Stern-Brocot and Richards compared:

  • Both return nice fractions.
  • Richards often results in a smaller error. It is also a bit faster.
  • Stern-Brocot walks down the S-B tree. It finds the fraction of the lowest denominator that meets the required accuracy, then stops.

If you do not require the lowest denominator fraction, Richards is a good choice.

Solution 3:

I know you said you searched online, but if you missed the following paper it might be of some help. It includes a code example in Pascal.

Algorithm To Convert A Decimal To A Fraction*

Alternatively, as part of it's standard library, Ruby has code that deals with rational numbers. It can convert from floats to rationals and vice versa. I believe you can look through the code as well. The documentation is found here. I know you're not using Ruby, but it might help to look at the algorithms.

Additionally, you can call Ruby code from C# (or even write Ruby code inside a C# code file) if you use IronRuby, which runs on top of the .net framework.

*Updated to a new link as it appears the original URL is broken (