How can I update all Snap packages?

I know that I can update a snap package using

sudo snap refresh <package>

But is there a way to update all snaps, like

sudo apt dist-upgrade

Solution 1:

sudo snap refresh 

Will do this. It is part of snapd 2.0.8, which landed 2016-06-13 in xenial-updates.

snap refresh --list

Only lists the updates without refreshing the packages.

snap info <snap name>

Can show which versions are available for a particular package.

Solution 2:

According to Snap tutorial Snaps are automatically updated in the background once per day.

Solution 3:

Generally, you don't need to do anything.

snapd, in Ubuntu installs, will automatically check for updates. That's a key feature of snaps.

Here's how to determine how often snapd will automatically check for updates: (source)

$ snap refresh --time
timer: 00:00~24:00/4        <------ "/4" means refresh every 4 hours.
last: today at 17:15 CDT
next: today at 21:45 CDT