Minimal set of rights to run a process on a Microsoft Windows Server

Solution 1:

Referring to the comments, I think User B needs at least the "Log on as a batch job" right. If the process running under User B's credentials is meant to accomplish certain tasks, then additional rights or privileges may need to be granted to User B for those tasks to function correctly.

This article lists rights and privleges and details cases where a right or privilege may be needed for certain tasks:

It seems what you may be trying to do is allow a process to run as User B on a computer even though User B cannot log on interactively due to User B having the "Deny log on locally" right or not being a member of a group that has the "Allow log on locally" right.

"Log on as batch job" would allow User B to be used for processes initiated by Task Scheduler. It's possible that trying to launch a process in an interactive session (i.e., logged on as User A) with a user that only has batch job rights and does not have interactive rights will fail. In this case, "Allow log on locally" granted to User B should enable the use of User B for the process. The only catch is then User B can log on interactively, which is probably not desired.

A workaround might be to "trivially schedule" the job. Instead of User A actually running the command, User A sets up a task schedule job that they then set to run in one minute (or something).

Solution 2:

You need read/execute permissions on the program file itself, read permissions on any files the program needs to read, and write permissions to anywhere the program needs to write. It's not all that different from *nix, really.