Batch exporting metadata from Finder

I have a folder containing over 2,000 web pages I've downloaded. Most of the file extensions are .html, though some are .pdf or .webarchive. My OS is Mojave.

When I highlight an icon in Finder, it lists a variety of metadata, including the source URL, the page title, author, and the date I downloaded it.

Is there a way to grab all that information - each file name, along with the source URL, page title, author and date downloaded - so I can put it in a Numbers spreadsheet?

I can do it manually, one file at a time, but that will take days.

ExifTool might be able to do it. You would need to extract them by name (see the MacOS tags page) or you could add the -api 'MDItemTags=1' option, as they are not extracted by default.

A command such as this will extract your tags and create a CSV file for you
exiftool -csv -filename -MDItemWhereFroms -MDItemTitle -MDItemAuthors -MDItemDownloadedDate /path/to/files >Outfile.csv