Appropriate preposition in "your preference of/for time and venue"

What is the most appropriate preposition for the following sentence?

I would like to talk to you. Please let me know your preference of/for time and venue where we can meet.

I would also be happy to get a better construct for the idea I am trying to communicate. Even this does not seem to give me any idea.

We have preferences for things more often than preferences of them, but of isn't incorrect here, nor the only alternative: as to, regarding, in regards to, and the like would also work. Rather than asking for a preference for, why not ask what the addressee prefers?

I would like to meet with you. Is there a time or place you prefer?

I would like to meet with you. Do you prefer a particular time or place?

What a native speaker might say is I think it would be very helpful if we could meet and talk about it. Do you have any preference for time and place?

Other answers use the word prefer/preference.

A native speaker is more likely not to use that at all, but rather to ask directly, at least in conversation:

I'd like to talk. When would be convenient?"

It might be a little less forthright in writing:

It would help if we met to discuss this. When might we do that?

Where is omitted, because making an appointment is useless without a location, so it's customarily included in the answer — for example, "I'll be at home on Wednesday evening. How about then?" or "I can't do anything till Thursday. Come to the office at 3pm."