Displaying ads over WiFi hotspot [closed]

I have recently distributed my WiFi network with highpseed antennas to my area which covers almost 300-400 peoples. I am not charging them anything but i would like to generate some revenue through Advertisements placed on the websites that they visit.

Is it possible to display ads from Google (I know i can do redirect the Advertisements, using some cache server or firewall) .

Its just like a free vpn but i would like to have my advertisements above the websites they visit so i can take out the cost for the WiFi that i offer.

Any suggestions would be great!

I highly advise you don't do this as it will most likely lead to a backlash.

That being said, if you want to, this will not work on SSL sites unless you also get everyone to download a custom SSL root certificate (which I really do not recommend you do), but, for standard HTTP, all you need to do is stick a proxy on your router to basically add a bit of content to each page.

This isn't an easy thing to do, but, to get a basic idea on the concept, I recommend you take a look here to a guy who made people's images flip... It should put you on the right track.

You can use dark ways to spoof and change (inject) the contents.
It will require powerful hardware if you want to change 300-400 people's traffic simultaneously.


  • Google Ads and a lot of other ad-services will not work (its illegal).
  • Site owners may sue you because you change their site content.
  • Assuming that ad-services will see only 1 IP* (router's IP) for all 300-400 people, they will most likely block your ad accounts. So there's no way of using ad-services at all (except your own ad-service).
  • Wait for 300-400 people from FBI next day and get ready to explain why you spoofed a lot of traffic.

However you can think about white ways, for example, create a start-page for your connection and add there your own ads (again, ad-services will not work). It's legal if your ISP lets you do it.

*probably you will not buy and assign 300-400 IPs to all your clients.

You're not going to be able to put anything above the pages they access easily. What about those that connect with not a browser? Or if they connect with their own VPN. The traffic won't cause any ads. One thing you can do is create a captive portal that they have to go through a number of pages before the connection is created by your hotspot.

You can. But please don't.

All you would need to do is put a proxy on your server and modify each page that comes through, injecting one of your ads in to it. It's not terrible hard to do.

But the problems:

  1. It will only work over HTTP and other non-encrypted protocols
  2. Your users will hate you
  3. Tech-savvy users will simply use an SSH tunnel (or a VPN) to make even HTTP traffic encrypted, then you have no way of injecting ads.

So yeah, this is a bad idea which will make people not like you, and the people that will use your WiFi most will probably know of tunneling. So either a user is angry at you or you make no money off them.