Will bootable usb created by bootcamp on mac work with PC?

Solution 1:

After reading through several stackexchange answers, I found steps that worked on this site.

He walks you through how to format the USB stick so that Windows will recognize it, and how to use Unetbootin to copy the ISO image.

I'll reproduce the steps here for convenience:

Format the disk in Disk Utility, with the correct MBR

  1. Open Disk Utilty
  2. Select the USB device
  3. Click Partition
  4. Select 1 partition in the partition layout
  5. Select “Master Boot Record” in the options
  6. Select MS-DOS (FAT) in the format type.
  7. Click Apply, then Partition
  8. Close Disk Utility

This will wipe the USB disk and set it up with the correct boot record

Install the MBR binary from the SysLinux project

  1. Use the command line diskutil to find the device name for your USB drive.

    diskutil list
  2. Unmount the USB drive with the command line. NB: Be sure to swap the device reference (in my case it is /dev/SOMEdisk2) with the correct one for your usb key that you identified in the previous step – this will change for each machine.

    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/SOMEdisk2
  3. Mark the partition active, then unmount it again

    sudo fdisk -e /dev/SOMEdisk2
    f 1
    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/SOMEdisk2
  4. Download Syslinux and extract the mbr.bin file
  5. Install the MBR

    sudo dd conv=notrunc bs=440 count=1 if=mbr.bin of=/dev/SOMEdisk2

    NB: see my full instructions if you need further help with steps 4 & 5.

Use UnetBootin to install your OS install files

  1. Download and install UnetBootin if you haven’t already
  2. Load the application, choose your preferred distribution, and then click OK
  3. When it’s finished, eject the USB key and use it

Solution 2:

I have tried that, and all i get is a black screen and a white blinking underscore. I have tried other things to fix but I can't seem to fine a good enough solution. Also, my pc is brand new and I built so there is no optical drive. Plus, i have never installed windows before.

Solution 3:

No. Bootcamp will make a bootable copy of Windows for a Mac only. Macs have UEFI instead of traditional BIOSes. PCs are adopting this technology but slowly.

I believe OS X formats the USB stick using GUID/HFS+, which PCs and Windows do not like. There are just too many hurdles to believe a bootable copy of Windows will work on a PC.

However, you could try this alternative method: Creating A Bootable USB Of Windows 8.1 On OS X?

Note: Just make sure the USB stick is formatted using MBR instead of GUID to maximize impartiality.