Difference between "humble" and "modest"

Modest describes the personality trait or behaviour of not flaunting oneself, talking oneself up or putting oneself on display. Modest behaviour can be a response to compliments, praise or follow an achievement. Modesty can also manifested physically (for example, "dressing modestly", "modest accessories", "modest smile").

In contrast, "humble" refers specifically to a person's inner state and feelings. A humble person is willing to accept or respect another's authority, intellect and wisdom, or superiority without trying to challenge it or trying to assert oneself.

In summary, being modest refers to your behaviour, being humble refers to your ego.

Modest refers to a person's opinion of themselves.

Humble refers to a person's behavior with respect to others.

A person is modest when they do not boast or brag and when they tend to downplay their own abilities.

A person is humble when they show deference and a willingness to submit to others.

They often go hand-in-hand, but do not have to.

The studies are part of a push to define humility, a concept more typically associated less with science than religion. (In Matthew 11:29, Jesus says, "I am gentle and humble in heart.”) While research on narcissism—arguably the inverse of humility—has gained widespread attention, it’s been harder to define and measure humility. Researchers do agree that it isn’t just another word for modesty. A person who brushes off compliments isn't necessarily helpful, generous, respectful during conflicts, or accepting of criticism—all traits we can expect of the humble.

According to one model, the humble see their strengths and weaknesses accurately, and are inclined to altruism. Such people would be apt to treat romantic partners well, and to act in ways that support their bond. With that model in mind, a team led by Daryl Van Tongeren conducted three studies to test whether participants valued humility in a potential date and were more inclined to forgive a partner they perceived as humble.

When one is modest, they have a moderate view of their own abilities. That is, they are not necessarily undervaluing themselves, but they would never overvalue.

When one is humble, they have a low view of their own abilities. They will always view themselves as weak in that area, even if they are not.

"Modest" is generally more suited to describe someone with a level-headed and accurate view of themselves, whereas "humble" is for one that is lower than it should be (to humble someone is to lower their own sense of value), though there is certainly a great deal of cross-over in modern usage of the two words.