Can I upgrade from Windows 7 32-bit to Windows 7 64 bit without reinstalling all of my software? [duplicate]


X86/32-bit to X64/64 bit is not supported in any version of Windows through either upgrade or anytime upgrade.

Your only option would be to do a fresh install - however, if I was you, you should format the drive first to really get a fresh start.

You can however use Windows Easy Transfer which should make it easy to transfer your documents and reinstall your programs.

Short answer to your title question: No.

More detailed answer as to what I believe to be the easiest way to migrate: This is fairly easy to do, but you need to do a clean install. That means you need to

  1. Backup your data and programs
  2. Insert the x64 disc and restart your computer
  3. Boot into the disc and install Windows
  4. Restore your data and reinstall programs

There are built-in tools for backing up your data and your program settings and there are third-party tools to reinstall all your programs. For example, Laplink PCMover will automatically reinstall your applications, but I don't know much about it (I only read about it in Ed Bott's Microsoft Report and I don't know any more about it). Note: I in no way endorse this software and I do not know if it will work for this purpose.