Static library debug symbols

Solution 1:

If you use /ZI or /Zi (C/C++ -> General -> Debug Information Format), then the vc$(PlatformToolsetVersion).pdb is created, which contains the debug info for all of the .obj files created. If alternately you use /Z7, the debug info will be embedded into the .obj file, and then embedded into the .lib. This is probably the easiest way to distribute the debug info for a static library.

I wouldn't advise distributing a static library, however, since it's generally tied to a specific version of the compiler.

Solution 2:

Expanding upon previous answers, for those who need the full how-to (VS 2013 minimum).

Note that this should address comments ^^above regarding VS2013 issues.

Method 1: The Program Database (.pdb) Way (/Zi or /ZI)

  1. Static Lib Project: Generate a pdb with same name as your static lib:

    • Open Solution Explorer from the View menu.
    • Right click your static lib project, select Properties
    • Edit Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Debug Information to /Zi or /ZI
      • Note that /ZI allows "Edit and Continue" editing during debugging
    • Edit Configuration Properties->C/C++->Output Files->Program Database File Name to $(OutDir)$(TargetName).pdb
    • Now compile it, and note where YourLib.lib and YourLib.pdb are.
  2. Application Project: Link your executable with the static lib, and new PDB file:

    • Again, navigate to project properties, but this time, for your Application project
    • Again, edit Debug Information property as needed.
    • Edit Configuration Properties->Linker->General->Additional Library Directories, adding your own "libs" directory, or whatever directory you plan to keep/copy your YourLib.lib and YourLib.pdb files.
    • Edit Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies, adding YourLib.lib (no path in front)
    • Now copy both YourLib.lib and YourLib.pdb to the directory you specified above.

Method 2: The Embedded Symbols (no .pdb) Way (/Z7)

  1. Static Lib Project: Generate a static lib with embedded debug symbols

    • As in Method 1, navigate to project properties
    • As in Method 1, modify your Debug Information, but this time to/Z7
    • As in Method 1, compile and note where YourLib.lib is generated.
  2. Application Project: Link you executable with the static lib

    • As in Method 1, navigate to project properties
    • As in Method 1, modify your Debug Information property as needed
    • As in Method 1, edit Additional Library Directories
    • As in Method 1, edit Additional Dependencies
    • Now copy YourLib.lib to the directory specified in Additional Library Directories


  • Advantages of Z7? It's simpler, and the "Single-file" way of doing it. All the debug info is in the lib file.
  • Disadvantages of Z7? File size on-disk, link times, incompatible with "Minimal rebuild" (/Gm) feature, does not allow "Edit and Continue", older format (e.g. older paradigm)
  • Why don't I specify Debug Information Setting for Application Project? This post is concerned with how to get debug working in static lib code. The same "Method 1 vs Method 2" choice applies for the Application project as well.