Is begin() == end() for any empty() vector?

Yes, that's what the standard requires it to be for empty() for any container.

§ 23.2.1 Table 96 of the C++11 standard says:

 |Expression|  Return Type  | Operational Semantics|
 |a.empty() |Convertible    |a.begin() == a.end()  |
 |          |to bool        |                      |
 |          |               |                      |

23.2.1 General container requirements, specifically Table 96 Container Requirements has

a.empty() convertible to bool, operational semantics a.begin() == a.end()


6 begin() returns an iterator referring to the first element in the container. end() returns an iterator which is the past-the-end value for the container. If the container is empty, then begin() == end();

(emphasis mine)