Accidentally created directory named "~" (tilde)

I managed to make a directory literally named ~.

(Apparently, Python's os.mkdir('~/something') does this.)

How do I remove it without nuking my home?

Also, if it helps, I have my real /home on a separate partition. And the duplicate ~ is located in (the real ) ~.

Escape the ~ with \~ or use single quotes '~'. so you can

rmdir ~/\~


cd ~ ; rmdir '~'

What python giveth, python taketh away:

$ python -c 'import os; os.makedirs("~/foo")'; tree; python -c 'import os; os.removedirs("~/foo")'; tree
└── ~
    └── foo

2 directories, 0 files

0 directories, 0 files

If you did os.mkdir, you could undo it with os.rmdir (and similarly for os.makedirs and os.removedirs).