AWS: Serve up website from private subnet?

I'm unable to get from the internet to a web page hosted on my server in a private subnet.

Using this: How can I place a Webserver in a private subnet in AWS and open it to the world on port 80 as a guide, I've got the following configuration in place:

  • VPC w/ 1 public and private subnet (both are in same AZ).
  • Public subnet has route table with local and IGW routes
  • Private subnet has route table with local and NAT Gateway routes
  • EC2 Instance deployed in private subnet serving up static HTML pages
  • Confirmed EC2 instance can get out to internet
  • ELB pointing (ports 80/443) to EC2 private instance
  • (For testing) ELB security group and EC2 SG are set to allow all inbound/outbound traffic
  • ELB health check is good
  • R53 (A record) for testing subdomain which points to my ELB

With everything supposedly operational and open, I can't determine why the page isn't served back to the user. Chrome just spins and Firefox says the connection was reset. Any advice on how to troubleshoot this?

Solution 1:

Following this: , specifically the section: Internet-facing Load Balancer: Recommended Rules

I needed to update the outbound rules of my ELB to use my instance security group.