How to create a religion in Civilization V?
Just got the Gods and Kings expansion and was playing 3 player game with friends. They both made a religion and I was over 1000 in faith and still could not work out how to create a religion or get a Great Prophet.
How do you create a religion?
Solution 1:
There are two steps:
First, when your Faith reaches a certain level you can found a Pantheon. However, every time someone founds a Pantheon, the threshold to found the next one goes up.
Next, when your Faith reaches another threshold you'll get a Great Prophet - from what I can tell this will only happen if you've got a Pantheon, though. You can then use the Great Prophet to create your full religion.
There's one wrinkle, too: only a certain number of religions can exist so if they've all been founded already (by your friends or CPUs) you won't be able to found one.
From this guide:
There is a max to the number of religions that can be founded in a game, based on Map size. About 2/3 of Civs can found a religion in any game if you do not add more players to a custom game.
- Huge maps offer 12 players 7 religions
- Large 10 players with 6 Religions
- Standard 8 Players with 5 Religions
- Small 6 Players with 4 Religions
- Tiny 4 Players with 3 Religions
- Duel 2 Players with 2 Religions