How can I install brasero in Ubuntu 16.04? [duplicate]

As Brasero dropped out of the core apps in 16.04, I tried to install brasero via APT but with no luck

sudo apt-get install brasero

The response tells me that there is no package brasero.

Brasero isn't found in the new Gnome Software either :-(

Do I need a specific PPA or this just because 16.04 is still beta?

For some reason the universe repository was not ticked in Applications & Updates. See answer below for the solution.

It's probably repository issue, Your /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't contain what is needed.

sudo echo "deb xenial main universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install brasero

For more informations You can check this article:


If you're using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Live CD, you can check the Universe checkbox in "Software & Updates" (second one in screenshot) from the "show applications" menu. Universe Checkbox